The Startup World Cup is a global scale competitions aimed at bringing together startup communities worldwide, inspiring talented entrepreneurs to compete for the prestigious Startup World Cup winner and a $1 million investment prize.
On-Site Jakarta
On-Site San Francisco, USA
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Startup World Cup is the largest startup conference and pitch competition to connect startup ecosystems worldwide and encourage the most talented entrepreneurs to battle for the prestige of winning the prize.
The competition are open for startup that operate full-time, effectively address identified problems with initial product-market alignment, possess a prototype or manual system serving as their Minimum Viable Product (MVP), demonstrate traction for at least three months, and establish durable, sustainable business models.
The competition is open to Southeast Asia startups based in Indonesia, Laos, Cambodia, Singapore, Thailand, and Brunei Darussalam.
Participants can fill out the competition for on . We accept submissions until 30 June 2024, 23:59 WIB
The program is FREE of charge
Competitive Advantage: Examines the uniqueness of the solution compared to existing startups, including any distinct features, benefits, or strategic advantages that give it an edge in the market.
Management Background: Reviews the experience, skills, and expertise of the management team, highlighting their capability to successfully implement the solution and drive the business forward.
A hub, connector, and accelerator of new ventures and technological initiatives that embrace future trends, opportunities, and challenges.